- When: Wednesday 19 June 2024, 18.00h
- Where: Pazo da Cultura (external link) (Alexandre Bóveda s/n, Pontevedra)
- Who: Scientist Rebellion Spain (external link)
The activity will be carried out in English
As part of the ESEE-Degrowth Conference 2024, Rebelion Científica is preparing a talk to present the movement, their values and narratives, and why they see activism and nonviolent direct action as one of the main ways to bring about social and political change. They will also hold two scientific activism workshops: a planning and nonviolent action workshop, and a legal advice workshop.After completion, participants will be prepared to participate and be part of the organisation of direct actions, taking into account the different levels of risk involved in each action and the legal consequences of each of them.
The activity will be carried out in English