Postgrowth S. A. Pontevedra starts in the city's high schools

It is a process of citizen science that will be carried out in 5 schools in Pontevedra with the aim of finding solutions, collectively and through science, to ecological and social challenges or problems that will affect the city in the next 10 years.

The most outstanding feature of this unique project is that students in 3rd and 4th ESO and 1st year of Bacharelato will be able to get involved in a real science process within the framework of social sciences, a novel and unusual experience, a unique opportunity to involve citizens in citizen science processes and connect the scientific community with society.

This initiative aims to serve as a bridge between the ESEE-Decrecemento 2024 conference, to be held in Pontevedra next year, and the youngest people in the city. In this way, involving the students, we intend to establish a connection with these people, who will be the ones most affected if inaction in the face of environmental and social problems continues over time.

The project has the support of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation.