Musical programme of the event

The show "Botánica" by pianist Abe Rábade will be included in the opening session of the conference, which will also include a small festival to close the week of activities.

Tuesday, June 18, Auditorium do Pazo da Cultura Pontevedra

Abe Rábade presents his show Botánica. Admission is free until full capacity is reached, with priority given to conference participants.

Non-participants will be admitted from 8:30 am (admission is not guaranteed depending on capacity availability).


riday, June 21, Tent Area - Illa das Esculturas

To close the conference week, at the end of the last lecture, we are preparing a musical gathering with the participation of X Sónica (the bands from Estudo Bonobo) and Familia Caamagno.

It will end with a demonstration of the conxuro de la queimada followed by a tasting accompanied by bagpipe music.

A food truck with vegan products and drinks will also be available to participants.

On this occasion, the public will be able to participate in the musical program of this small closing party.