Host participants!

If you live (or have a house) in Pontevedra or a neighboring city or village, you may be interested in providing accommodation for some of the people attending the conference.

Many of the people coming to this event have limited financial resources, either because they are still students or because they come from developing countries. For them, having free or very low-cost accommodation will be a great help and can make the difference between attending or not attending the Conference. 

What can host these people bring to you?

  • First of all, and we think the most important, it will give you the possibility of getting in touch with people from other places or nationalities, people with concerns that are probably very close to yours, with whom you can share interesting conversations about degrowth, economy, sustainability or whatever comes up.
  • On the other hand, you will be able to register for free for the Conference* and attend all the Conference activities.
  • Some of the people who will visit Pontevedra are interested in getting involved in the culture and way of life of our environment and would like to come a few days before the beginning of the conference and leave a few days after, having the possibility of bringing their families. They would like to stay with local communities and in return offer them a few hours of free work

As you can see, there are many advantages, so don't think twice and host attendees!

If you are already convinced, send us an email to and we will contact you.

* Meals are not included