Cristina Vázquez
R&D Manager
R&D Manager
Cristina has a degree in Biology and holds a Master in Neuroscience and a Master in Sports Business Management. She has also completed the GOSCI program (Operational Management in Research Centers and Units), organized by the Xunta de Galicia and FEUGA.
She started her professional career at the Galicia Sur Health Research Institute (IISGS), first as a R&D support technician in the neurophysiology service, and later as the main technician of SpainRDR (external link), a national project coordinated from the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid.
Between 2016 and 2022 she belonged to the management team of the Interuniversity Research Center ECOBAS (external link) (until 2020, SUG Strategic Grouping), the last four years as the main R&D Manager.
Cristina joined the Post-Growth Innovation Lab team in May 2023, where she gives support to the R&D&i activity of the group, and has coordinated the technical secretariat for the International ESEE-Degrowth Conference Pontevedra 2024 (external link). She is also a member of the Degrowth International Conference Support Group (external link).