Dialogue 4: What Circular Economy?
Thursday 20 June 2024, 11.00h (Plenary tent) with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by …
Policy Officer at European Commission (DG RTD)
Hans-Christian Eberl has been working and living in Brussels since 2008. He is a chemical engineer with a BA in history and several publications in contemporary cultural studies. After performing emission measurements and risk calculations at TUV Vienna, he was part of the circularity core team at the Austrian Ministry of Environment, where he initiated the first industrial symbiosis network in Austria, and was in charge of the first national report under the Waste Statistics Regulation. Worked at DG ENV from 2008 to 2015. Author of the Waste Shipment Report 2001-2006. Main dossier: RoHS Directive (restriction of hazardous substances in electronics). After two years at the European Parliament's ENVI Secretariat, Hans-Christian joined DG RTD in 2017. Author of the 2020 report Products and circular economy: Policy recommendations derived from Research & Innovation projects, and of the majority of circular economy R&I calls since 2020, including the 2023 Horizon Europe call on 100 circular households, which targets the sustainability transition from a socioeconomic perspective. Team leader for circular economy, currently co-chairing several working groups for the Horizon Europe programmes 2025 and 2026-2027.
Thursday 20 June 2024, 11.00h (Plenary tent) with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by …