Dialogue 4: What Circular Economy?
Thursday 20 June 2024, 11.00h (Plenary tent) with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by …
Kersty Hobson is an environmental social scientist based in the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University Wales. Her research, teaching and activism focuses on multi-scalar societal responses to the Anthropocene. In the past decade, her work has focused on the socio-political facets of the Circular Economy, including a project into student repairing and borrowing practices. In 2024 she will start work on a recently funded project into Circular Economy solutions to UK building stock and practices.
Thursday 20 June 2024, 11.00h (Plenary tent) with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by …