Opening Session
The Opening Session will be held at the Pazo da Cultura on Tuesday 18 June from 16.00h (CEST time)
Tess Doezema is a researcher at the Post-Growth Innovation Lab at the University of Vigo. Her research is concerned with how democracy is constituted in visions of technological progress and in the imaginaries underwriting economic and environmental transitions. Tess received her PhD from Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society. She has held fellowships with the Technical University of Munich’s Innovation, Society & Public Policy group, the Science, Technology & Society program at the Harvard Kennedy School, and the USAID Global Development Lab.
The Opening Session will be held at the Pazo da Cultura on Tuesday 18 June from 16.00h (CEST time)
Tuesday 18 June 2024, 17.30h (Pazo da Cultura) with Samer Abdelnour (The Univesity of Edimburg) & Annapurna Mamidipudi (Technical University of Berlin), moderated by Tess Doezema (Universitat Autónoma …