Information for participants

Find some useful information about your participation in ESEE-Degrowth 2024 International Conference here. This information may be updated at any time. Please keep an eye on it.

For all participants

  • Information about the conference venues and other points of interest can be found here - external link.
  • The Opening Session will be held at the Pazo da Cultura of Pontevedra on Tuesday 18 June 2024 from 16.00h (CEST time). More information can be found here - external link
  • To attend the academic activities of the conference it will be necessary to register at the points and times provided for this purpose, which will be:
    · Pazo da Cultura (main hall) - Tuesday 18 June, 13.30-16.00h
    · Escola de Enxeñería Forestal (soto hall) - Monday 17 June, 09.00-11.00h; Wednesday 19 June, 08.30-11.00h & 13.30-15.30h; Thursday 20 June, 08.30-11.00 & 13.30-15.30h; Friday 21 June, ask at the information desk.
  • When registering you will receive a recycled paper bag containing: meal tickets (if you have previously booked them); a postcard with QR codes to access the most relevant information; several identification stickers to use throughout the conference, on which you must write your name and the name of your organisation, and stick them on your clothes in a visible place. 
  • During the whole week, we will also count on many non-academic activities open to the public (no registration is required). Some will be developed in English and others in Spanish/Galician. All the information about these activities can be found here - external link
  • There will be a permanent information desk in the Escola de Enxeñería Forestal from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June at soto floor.
  • Several volunteers will be available at the event venues. They will wear a blue T-shirt with the conference logo so that they can be easily identified.
  • The lunches will be only for those who have previously booked them. Tickets must be handed over to the relevant persons before entering the food court. Due to high demand, no tickets will be available for sale on-site during the conference. 
    For those with no booked meal, there is a cafeteria in the Escola de Enxeñería Forestal, and also in the Facultade de Comunicación/Dirección e Xestión Pública (a bigger one). Out of the campus you can find two supermarkets: Mercadona - external link and Froiz - external link, both less than 15 minutes walking.
  • There will be several free-use rooms at the Escola de Enxeñería Forestal, Facultade de Fisioterapia and Pazo da Cultura. Please, ask the volunteer team to use them if needed.

For presenters

  • Presenters for track sessions (those starting with T.) and open special sessions (starting with SS) will have a maximum of 15 minutes for their presentations. This does not apply to artistic, interactive, or closed special sessions (in this case, please contact with the session organisers for specific details).
  • Presenters should download their presentation to the computer in the room before the beginning of the session. No external computers can be connected, the computer in the room must be used.

  • volunteer team member will always be available to provide support if needed. If she/he is not in the room, please look for her/him in the adjoining rooms. Incidents should be reported to these persons, who will try to resolve them or, if this is not possible, they will contact the conference organisers.
  • Presenters must be in the room for their session 10 minutes before the start of the session.
  • Each session has an assigned chair. If for any reason the chair is not present, the last presenter (or another of the presenters who wishes to do so) will become chair.
  • The order of presentations within each session may be agreed between the presenters and the chairs before the start of the session.
  • Some modifications have been made to the programme in recent weeks to try to meet the needs of some of the speakers. Please check the programme - external link before your session to make sure you are clear about the day and time.
  • We encourage speakers to use the official conference template and typography for their presentation. These files can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

For chairs

  • The main functions of the chairs will be:
    - To agree on the order of presentations with the speakers
    - To ensure that speakers do not exceed the maximum time allotted for each presentation
    - To introduce the different presentations
    - To open and moderate the time for questions and answers.
  • There will be coloured cards in each room that chairs can use if they wish to indicate to the speakers how much time they have left: green (more than 5 minutes available); orange (less than 3 minutes available); red (less than 1 minute available).
  • Chairs should be in the room for their session at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
  • They should ensure that speakers download their presentations to the room computer before the start of the session.
  • They will agree on the order of the presentations with the speakers before the start of the session.
  • Some modifications have been made to the programme in recent weeks to try to meet the needs of some of the speakers. Please check the programme - external link before your session to make sure you are clear about the day and time.
  • volunteer team member will always be available to provide support if needed. If she/he is not in the room, please look for her/him in the adjoining rooms.
  • If changes are made to the room configuration, the furniture should be rearranged at the end of the session so it is as it was previously.

For special/interactive/artistic sessions organisers

  • Organisers should be in the room for their session at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
  • A volunteer team member will always be available to provide support if needed. If she/he is not in the room, please look for her/him in the adjoining rooms. Incidents should be reported to these persons, who will try to resolve them or, if this is not possible, they will contact the conference organisers.
  • Presenters should download their presentation to the room computer. No external computers can be connected (with a few exceptions). A volunteer team member will be available to assist participants with these questions.
  • If remote participation is required, organisers should arrange for this to be possible. The organisation will not provide additional equipment or support for these issues.
  • If changes are made to the room configuration, the furniture should be rearranged at the end of the session so that it is as it was previously.

For poster presenters

  • Each author must bring her/his printed poster.
  • Since thinking outside of conventional boundaries is an important theme for this conference, we encourage participants to be creative in preparing the posters, without leaving aside rigor. 
  • Posters must be in vertical format, with dimensions between 70-90cm wide x 100-120cm high.
  • Before the start of the conference, authors will receive additional information on how, when, and where to place their posters.
  • Each author will have an assigned place for her/his poster The days and times for the placement of posters will be: 
    - Wednesday: 9:30 - 10:30 or 13:30 - 14:30.
    - Thursday: 14:00 - 14:30.
    A volunteer team member will be there in these slots to provide material and help authors if needed. Outside these hours, material should be requested at the information desk.

Wi-Fi connection

To connect to the Wi-Fi network IN ESCOLA DE ENXEÑERÍA FORESTAL use the following data: 

  • User:
  • Password: %Wi2024Fi%

Select the network "personal" or "alumnos".

COVID information

Since COVID is still ongoing, and conferences remain major spreader events, this is a plea for anyone who might be feeling unwell the days of the conference to please care for themselves and the rest of the participants, and sit the conference out. We understand that this is a major ask given the trouble to travel to Pontevedra, but it is the minimum we can do to take care of one another and the most vulnerable among us. 

We will try to have as many sessions as possible with open windows and plenaries will be in a tent. We will count on masks and some tests that will be available free of cost (on request at the information desk). But we don't want to put anyone, immunocompromised or not, in any risk of infection. Let's practice collective care!
