Modern science currently faces a fundamental and ultimately paradoxical situation. While an increasing number of scientists question the endless pursuit of growth and refute its imaginary, the majority of science, technology and innovation (STI) institutions are transitioning towards a model that increasingly prioritizes and funds applied research to stimulate economic growth. Across engineering and applied sciences, the practice and discourse surrounding STI have contributed to aligning knowledge production with endless capitalist expansion. Consequently, a society beyond growth must learn how to articulate new imaginaries and redefine the relationship between society and the institutions of science, technology and innovation.
Despite the urgent need to decouple STI from the pursuit of endless growth, there has been insufficient reflection on this important task. By and large, conversations about repurposing STI as socio-political phenomena, detached from the instrumental purposes of capitalist accumulation, have largely remained on the fringes of Ecological Economics and Degrowth. We believe it is high time to bring this conversation to the forefront and encourage open engagement with colleagues from other disciplines. In this context, we propose the overarching theme ‘Technology, Science and Innovation beyond Growth’ as an open invitation to interact with scholarly traditions that problematize technological imaginaries and practices, even if they have not explicitly connected with degrowth debates. Indeed, this conference call presents a timely opportunity to build new bridges between scholars who focus on the ways in which power and politics shape science and technology, and vice versa. Our conference aims to facilitate connections between degrowth, Ecological Economics, and other social science communities, including Science, Technology, and Society (STS), Critical Management and Organization Studies, Responsible Research and Innovation studies, and others.
Below, we provide a range of potential themes and broad questions which can guide this discussion. Please note that once the call is open, applicants will submit their work to one of the 13 tracks (external link), rather than the specific subthemes. The subthemes provided are indicative of the content that could fit within each track, but submissions on topics not explicitly listed are also welcomed.
Download here (external link) the call for abstracts and the tracks