Opening Session

The Opening Session will be held at the Pazo da Cultura on Tuesday 18 June from 16.00h (CEST time)

16.00 - 17.20: Opening ceremony

17.20 - 17.30: Short break


17.30 - 18.30: 1st Plenary Dialogue: (external link)STS in the context of degrowth: science and technology in the era of colonial capitalist expansion (external link), with Samer Abdelnour (The University of Edinburgh) & Annapurna Mamidipudi (Technical University of Berlin), moderated by Tess Doezema (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) 

18.30 - 19.30: 2nd Plenary Dialogue: (external link)Introduction to Ecological Economics and Degrowth (external link), with Joshua Farley (University of Vermont), Giorgos Kallis (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) & Brototi Roy (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), moderated by Alexandra Köves (Corvinus University of Budapest)

Live broadcasting (external link) for Opening Ceremony and Dialogues 1 & 2

19.30 - 20.30: Cocktail (only for registered participants)

20.30 - 22.00: Abe Rábade “Botánica” Concert (external link), with a brief introduction by Sofia Greaves (Post-Growth Innovation Lab), Giorgos Kallis (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Abe Rábade - Free admission until full capacity is reached

Dialogue 1: STS in the context of degrowth: science and technology in the era of colonial capitalist expansion

Dialogue 2: Introduction to Ecological Economics and Degrowth