Plenary Dialogues

During the ESEE-Degrowth 2024 International Conference we will count on 7 plenary sessions. They will take the form of dialogues in which leading names in the field of ecological economics and degrowth will talk about different topics such as circular economy, materials and plastic industry, technology, innovation or climate change. All dialogues will be broadcast openly and the recordings will be available on the conference website.

Dialogue 4: What Circular Economy?

Thursday 20 June 2024, 11.00h (Plenary tent) with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by …

Dialogue 7: Climate Change and Degrowth

Friday 21 June 2024, 15.00h (Plenary tent) with Julia Steinberger (University of Lausanne) & Carlo Buontempo (Director of Copernicus Climate Service of the EU), moderated by Mario Pansera …