Samer Abdelnour
The Univesity of Edimburg
Tuesday 18 June 2024, 17.30h (Pazo da Cultura) with Samer Abdelnour (The Univesity of Edimburg) & Annapurna Mamidipudi (Technical University of Berlin), moderated by Tess Doezema (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona). What critical approaches to innovation can we mobilize to think with and for degrowth? Putting in conversation critiques from disparate sites that are not typically centered in conversations on innovation—the first being crafts and handloom weaving, and the second armed conflicts, militaries and war—we ask how we might look outside of our habits of thought and habits of theory to critique technoscience and its entanglements with the extant socioeconomic order.
The Univesity of Edimburg
Technical University of Berlin
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Chair)