Tentative schedule

* On Monday 17 June, the extra-academic activities will start at 17.30 hours.

This timetable is indicative and subject to change

Plenary dialogues

1st Plenary Dialogue: STS in the context of degrowth: science and technology in the era of colonial capitalist expansion
with Samer Abdelnour (The Univesity of Edimburg) & Annapurna Mamidipudi (Technical University of Berlin), moderated by Tess Doezema (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)

2nd Plenary Dialogue: Introduction to Ecological Economics and Degrowth
with Joshua Farley (University of Vermont), Giorgos Kallis (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) & Brototi Roy (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), moderated by Alexandra Köves (Corvinus University of Budapest)

3rd Plenary Dialogue: The politics of Materials and the plastic industry
with Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (Lund University) & Alice Mah (University of Glasgow), moderated by Vincenzo Pavone (CSIC)

4th Plenary Dialogue: What Circular Economy?
with Kersty Hobson (University of Cardiff) & Hans-Christian Eberl (European Comission, responsible for Circular Economy in Horizon Europe), moderated by Andrea Genovese (Sheffield University Management School)

5th Plenary Dialogue: Technology and Democracy: The Right to Repair Movement
with Ugo Vallauri & Blanca Callén (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), moderated by Javier Lloveras (Universidade de Vigo)

6th Plenary Dialogue: Rethinking Innovation: Alternative approaches for people and planet
with Alejandra Boni (Ingenio – UPV), Adrian Smith (University of Sussex) & Andrea Jiménez (University of Sheffield), moderated by Aviram Sharma (Universidade de Vigo)

7th Plenary Dialogue: Climate Change and Degrowth
with Julia Steinberger (University of Lausanne) & Carlo Buontempo (Director of Copernicus Climate Service of the EU), moderated by Mario Pansera (Universidade de Vigo)